Future money managers, how are you spending your time? by Sam Eder

Just a brief note today.

How do you spend your time during the system development process?

It should be something like this:

To reinforce the point I asked a hedge fund manager what his top tip for future money managers was today. His answer:

“I’d say gain an understanding of the metrics that they need to achieve, ideally before embarking on creating the track record – then devise a risk management/trading strategy that achieves those metrics.”


How do you spend your time during the trading process?

It should be something like this:

  • 30% on psychology (maintaining the right state)
  • 30% on managing existing positions/ risk management
  • 20% on your entries
  • 20% on recording/ journaling/ debriefing

How does your time spent compare to these?

(By the way this applies to all traders not, just money managers)

The post Future money managers, how are you spending your time? appeared first on www.forextell.com.

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